what type videos dont get copyright on youtube?

 YouTube's copyright policies prohibit the uploading of copyrighted material without the permission of the owner. This includes music, movies, television shows, video games, and other forms of media. There are a few types of videos that are generally allowed on YouTube without the risk of copyright infringement:

  • Original content: Videos that are created and produced by the uploader are typically allowed on YouTube, as long as they do not contain any copyrighted material.

  • Public domain material: Videos that are in the public domain, meaning that their copyright has expired or been forfeited, can be uploaded to YouTube without the risk of copyright infringement.

  • Creative Commons licensed content: Videos that are licensed under a Creative Commons license, which allows for the free use and distribution of the material, can be uploaded to YouTube as long as the terms of the license are followed.

  • Fair use content: Videos that use copyrighted material in a limited and transformative way, such as for the purposes of commentary, criticism, or news reporting, may be considered "fair use" and are typically allowed on YouTube.

It's important to be aware that the rules around copyright on YouTube can be complex and can change over time. Before uploading a video, it's a good idea to consult YouTube's copyright policies and to be cautious when using someone else's copyrighted material.
